8:00 AM: Drop off and Free Play Bins (blocks, magnet tiles, pretend play, etc)

9:00 AM: Circle Time (good morning song and greeting, calendar and weather, letter and number of the day, group discussion–practice following directions, turn-taking and social development)

9:30 AM: Morning Snack and Outdoor Play (e.g. hard boiled egg and strawberries or avocado toast and blueberries, etc)

10:15 AM: Learning Centers (themed student driven learning centers with emphasis on differentiated instruction–one on one, partner and group learning)

11:00 AM: Outdoor Sensory Bins (themed sensory bins that provide hands-on exploration and the opportunity to strengthen key developmental skills)

11:45 AM: Lunch and Outdoor Play (see monthly lunch menu)

12:30 PM: Storytime (helps children relax and wind down, making the transition to rest smoother)

1:00 PM: Quiet time/Naptime (helps students recharge, improves focus, and promotes healthy sleep habits, allowing for a productive and balanced day)

2:00 PM: Independent Play (as students wake/finish quiet time this allows other to learn to enjoy and manage time on their own while respecting the need for rest among others)

2:30 PM: Afternoon Snack and Outdoor Play (e.g. hummus and carrots or fruit salad and cheese/crackers, etc.

3:00 PM: Closing Circle (talk about the day’s events, review letter/number of the day, sing goodbye song, and preview the next day–this time helps children process their day, develop communication skills, and provides closure before leaving)

3:30 PM: Free Play Bins and Pick Up (blocks, magnet tiles, pretend play, etc)